remedies for gout

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Gout Treatment

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1Gout Treatment Empty Gout Treatment Tue Sep 06, 2016 7:44 pm



Gout Gout Treatment: Gout Treatment

What is gout? Gout is a type of arthritis. It is caused by the buildup of uric acid in your joints. It can affect the foot, heel, ankle, elbow, wrist or hand. Most often though, it affects the big toe. Gout is a reoccurring problem that comes and goes. It usually comes on without warning, and then goes away after 7-10 days. Embarassed

  • Preventing gout The best medication for gout is prevention.
  • A healthy lifestyle decreases your chances for getting gout.
  • Maintaining a proper weight, and limiting alcohol intake will help.
  • Dehydration is also know to increase the formation of urate crystals.
  • Drinking a lot of water daily will help "flush" uric acid from the blood stream.
  • It is recommended that you drink six to eight glasses of water each day.
  • Also, try to avoid foods high in purine such as alcohol, red meat, sardines, beans, rich sauces, scallops, liver and dried peas.
  • Writing on Information Gout proved to be a gamble to us.
  • This is because there simply seemed to be nothing to write about in the beginning of writing.
  • It was only in the process of writing did we get more and more to write on Information Gout.
  • Diagnosing gout A physician can usually diagnose gout very easily.
  • A physical examination as well as certain tests are used to measure the amount of uric acid in the blood.
  • Sometimes a sample of fluid is taken from the joints and tested for the presence of urate crystals.
  • Symptoms of gout The main symptom of gout is severe pain.
  • If the gout is in the feet, it can be so severe that the sufferer cannot stand.
  • Inflamed skin around the joint can be red and shiny, and over the course of time can get worse.
  • Over the course of time, the frequency of attacks will increase, and the attacks will last longer.
  • If left untreated, more and more joints will be effected and stone-like deposits can build up in the joints.
  • This is known as tophi, and can lead to permanent disability. Shocked
  • Diet and gout Most often, your diet will determine if you get gout.
  • However, heredity is also a factor.
  • About 18% of people with gout find that it runs in their families.

Treatments Include Anti-Inflammatories, Corticosteroids

These medications can help alleviate symptoms in as little as a week. Before taking any medications for gout, you need to discuss why curing gout naturally is safe, simple and effective with your doctor. Certain medications can cause severe gastrointestinal and cardiovascular side effects. Evil or Very Mad

  • Treatment Doctors can prescribe several drugs.
  • These drugs work to decrease the amount of uric acid in joints.
  • This helps to reduce the symptoms and frequency of attacks.
  • If not treated, serious permanent damage can occur.
  • This can lead to permanent disability.
  • There are many varieties of Gout Treatment found today.
  • However, we have stuck to the description of only one variety to prevent confusion!

Injury to the Joint

-Exposure to lead -Diet. Foods that contain large amounts of purine include red meat, creamy sauces, scallops, anchovies, beans, liver and heavy creamy sauces. -Medication. Aspirin, levodopa and several other medicines can interfere with the kidneys ability to remove uric acid from the body. -Excess body weight.

  • Alcohol can interfere with the removal of uric acid from the body.
  • Regular consumption of alcohol increases the likelihood of getting gout.
  • Other risk factors include: Embarassed

What causes gout? Uric acid is naturally produced by the liver, and is found in the blood stream. Uric acid is a by-turn to diet for everyday ailments, edp college those containing purine. Foods that are known to contain large concentrations of purine include: sardines, anchovies, liver, brains, dried peas and beans.

Uric Acid is Filtered Out of the Body by the Kidneys

It is then excreted in urine. When too much uric acid is produced by the liver, the kidneys are not able to remove it all, and it builds up in the blood stream. This build up of uric acid in the blood stream is known as hyperuricemia. Over time the uric acid crystallizes and ends up settling in joint spaces. White blood cells eventually mistake the crystals as a foreign invader to the body, and gather into the joints as well to attack the crystals. This causes inflammation, ie: swelling, redness, and the typical gout pain.

  • Could there be a nicer way of beating gout than by eating a couple of bowls of strawberries a day?
  • They are, after all, one of the world's most lovedand delicious fruits.
  • So is this idea, which is quite well known in the world of gout treatment, a myth or magic?
  • What does the evidence amount to?

It's a Pity that More Isn't Known about Strawberries for Gout

But all these hints and signs, and in the case of Vitamin C for gout, studies too, do suggest that a daily bowl of strawberries is a good idea for a gout diet, especially when combined with other natural remedies for gout. Very Happy.

Gout Treatment Gout

And because their flavonoids amounts are high, their flavonoids-to-Vitamin C ratio is pretty good which means that their Vitamin C is likely to be better absorbed and thus have a stronger therapeutic effect.

STRAWBERRY TESTIMONIALS If you're looking for a natural gout remedy, and which gout sufferer isn't, all this is very interesting, but are there any real world testimonials?

  • Strawberries' flavonoids are anthocyanidins, flavan-3-ols and flavonols.
  • Quercetin, which has been thought to reduce uric acid levels, is a flavonol.
  • There is some Quercetin in strawberries. Laughing

A GOUT POSITIVE NUTRITIONAL PROFILE It is true that the nutritional profile of strawberries is positive for natural gout treatment. Probably the most important fact is their high Vitamin C content, around 59 mg per 100 grams of fruit. This puts them towards the top of the high-in-Vitamin C fruits' tables. Way above cherries. They are moderately alkaline, alkaline neutral or just mildly acidic so their effect on the body's pH amounts is not likely to be much, and may be mildly positive. They contain about 91% water, a review of uricinex and moderate on the Glycemic Index. All these facts make them a good gout food.

Some studies have shown that Vitamin C does reduce uric acid levels, which makes Vitamin C for gout a good idea. In these studies the lowest amount required to do this was 500 mg daily. It's not hard to get 500 mg of Vitamin C naturally from foods and drinks.

  • Modern real world testimonials to the value of strawberries in gout treatment can be read on the Internet.
  • And for pain alleviation too.
  • Of course you can also read that strawberries had no effect.
  • There is one more health positive fact about strawberries.
  • Their proanthocyanidin (abbreviated as PCO's or OPC's) levels are high, much higher than in cherries. Wink

The most quoted historical character who advocated strawberries for gout was the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus (1707- . He said that his strawberries-only diet had cured or alleviated his gout. Accounts vary as to what he precisely said, but there is no doubt that he thought strawberries were helpful, and in his time he was a famous and respected botanist. So he knew a lot about strawberries. But don't eat a strawberries-only diet. This is a crash diet and crash diets are now thought to probably increase gout attacks. You can easily get strawberries into a low purine gout diet. Or into a carbohydrate restricted diet, such as the Zone diet, because they are moderate on the Glycemic Index.

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